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Postdoc to ethnographic study of body and well-being among school children

Ledig stilling

Postdoc to ethnographic study of body and well-being among school children

At the Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University, Department of Health Science and Technology a two-year position as postdoc is open for appointment from September 1st 2024 or soon hereafter. <div />


  • Ansøgningsfrist: 15.08.2024

  • Afdeling: Department of Health Science and Technology

  • Ref. nummer: 2024-224-05972


Ansøgningsfrist: 15.08.2024

Afdeling: Department of Health Science and Technology

Ref. nummer: 2024-224-05972

Ledig stilling

Postdoc to ethnographic study of body and well-being among school children

At the Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University, Department of Health Science and Technology a two-year position as postdoc is open for appointment from September 1st 2024 or soon hereafter. <div />


  • Ansøgningsfrist: 15.08.2024

  • Afdeling: Department of Health Science and Technology

  • Ref. nummer: 2024-224-05972


Ansøgningsfrist: 15.08.2024

Afdeling: Department of Health Science and Technology

Ref. nummer: 2024-224-05972


We are excited to announce a postdoc within a new research project that examines how weight-related understandings and practices shape body images and well-being of school children. The main responsibilities of the successful candidate are initiating and conducting ethnographic fieldwork within peer-groups of school children. Furthermore, the candidate is responsible for organizing member reflection workshops with the children involved and communicating findings to scientific and public audiences. As part of the broader research project, the postdoc will also collaborate with a PhD scholar, whose go-along studies with children will span school, home and leisure settings.

The successful candidate should hold

  • a master’s degree in anthropology, psychology, sociology, sport science, public health or equivalent
  • a PhD degree that is preferably within the area of health anthropology and/or childhood sociology
  • advanced skills in qualitative research methods, preferably with experience in ethnographic fieldwork
  • proficiency in the Danish language sufficient to conduct fieldwork among school children
  • a high proficiency in oral and written English to be capable of presenting results to an international audience
  • ability to work collaboratively with both junior and senior researchers, children, parents, professionals and volunteers in a sensitive way


The successful candidate will become part of the research group‘Sports& Social Issues’, which comprises senior researchers and several PhD students and research assistants. We are a team-oriented group of researchers from a variety of backgrounds(e.g., sport sciences, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy and psychology). Furthermore, there will be a close collaboration with medical doctors and nurses,.

Your main supervisor will beSine Agergaard,who is trained in ethnography, and employed as professor and head of the research group‘Sport& Social Issues’. The fieldwork will take place in the North Denmark region, with presence at the workplace in Aalborg to be negotiated.

You may obtain further information from Professor Sine Agergaard, e-mail:sine@hst.aau.dk.


Appointment as Postdoc presupposes scientific qualifications at PhD level or similar scientific qualifications. The research potential of each applicant will be emphasized in the overall assessment. Appointment as a Postdoc cannot exceed a period of four year in total at Aalborg University.


The application must contain the following:

  • a motivated text wherein the reasons for applying, qualifications in relation to the position, and visions for the position are stated
  • a current curriculum vitae
  • copies of relevant diplomas(Master of Science and PhD).
  • a complete list of publications with an indication of up to 5 publications the applicant wishes to be considered
  • documentation of additional qualifications that are relevant to the position including recommendations and contact information to references we may contact.

The applications are only to be submitted online by using the"Apply online" button below.

Shortlisting will be applied. All applicants will be informed as to whether they will advance to assessment or not.

AAU wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief.

For further information concerning the application procedure please contact our HR Partnerteam by mail est-st-hr@adm.aau.dk. Information regarding guidelines, ministerial circular in force and procedures can be seenhere. 

Løn og ansættelsesvilkår

Employment is in accordance with the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities(the Appointment Order) and the Ministry of Finance's current Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities. Employment and salary are in accordance with the collective agreement for state-employed academics.  

Ref. nummer




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